One of the easiest ways to save money is to simply buy things for less. Comparison shop and use sale adds. Buy a less expensive brand. Pay attention to what you are doing. For example, a lot of grocery stores (and Wal-mart) put the cost per ounce on the price label you see on the shelf. This is a great way to tell which brand is really the least expensive. You can also compare different sizes of products.
Take steps to make the items you use last longer. There is a common idea among various philosophies that when you purchase an item, you are now responsible for it. Take good care of what you have. Maintain your car and your vehicles. Keep things clean. Don't just throw things away. When it comes to food, there are many ways to stretch the expensive items, such as meat. Take the time to learn ways to make things go further.
You could also use things less than you already are. Combine all of your errands into one trip, reducing the usage of your vehicle. Turn off lights. Use a toaster oven or microwave instead of your oven. Make sure that your home is energy efficient and not wasting heat or air conditioning. Don't just waste the things you have -- stretch them out.
Try to use something completely out before you throw it away. Find ways to re-use items. Recycle plastic shopping bags into trash can liners. Use a white t-shirt with a stain under your sweaters. If it is too dingy, use it as a rag. Find ways to get every cent out of your purchases.
Try to find a way to use what you already have instead of heading out to the store at every whim. Substitute what you can. Fix things yourself. Assess whether you can wait or if the item must be purchased immediately. If you can wait a bit, perhaps you will be able to find it on sale or comparison shop a bit first. Try everything you can to lower the cost.
In fact, you may find that it is something you can do without right now. Or perhaps it is something you can make. There are many things you can do yourself, such as cooking, decorating, making gifts and many more. If you have the internet, you have an endless resource in front of you.
There are endless ways to be frugal. They range from the extremely dedicated frugal ideas to those that anyone can adapt to fit their lifestyles.
(by Martin Lukac of
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